Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Patch, Here We Come!

Our field trip is Friday to the Pumpkin Patch.  Please have your child wear a Blount spirit shirt so we can easily recognize them.  I anticipate it to be very crowded and it looks like the weather is going to be absolutely perfect.  Lunch was included in the price of the field trip.  If you are not planning on checking your child out, you might want to send a snack for them to have when we return to school that afternoon.

In Reading this week, we will focus on the letter “i” as in “insect.”  Some insects we will learn about include caterpillars, ladybugs, and butterflies.  We will also begin talking about pumpkins to help us make connections on our field trip.

In Language, we will learn rule 5 {A sentence that asks something needs a question mark at the end.}  This is such a tricky skill for first graders so please make sure you talk about questions each night.  We will brainstorm question words for our anchor chart to help us learn the rule such as who, what, why, where, when, how, did, can, which, is. 

In Math, we will be ready to test on Monday.  On Tuesday, we will begin Ch. 5 Addition and Subtraction Relationships.  I will use the terms Fact Families and Related Facts a lot during this chapter.  Remember, a review sheet will come home the night before the test.

The Book Fair is here until Thursday.  Please feel free to stop by and shop with your child or send money in an envelope labeled with their name.  I have spoken with the children and they know that whatever they buy {books, toys, erasers, pencils} must go directly in their book bag to be taken home.  All books from home should only be brought to school for AR testing. 

Happy Halloween on Wednesday as I imagine most of the children will participate in some kind of trick-or-treating.  I hope you have fun and safe experiences!  I do ask that you not send more than one piece of candy {no suckers} to school each day with your child for lunch and/or snack. 

Upcoming Events and Reminders:

Monday ~ Nancy’s Italian Ice and Spirit Night at Chappy’s

Thursday ~ Signed Papers and Book Fair Ends as well as the Just Give Campaign

Friday ~ Field trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Nov. 9 ~ Early Dismissal

Nov. 12 ~ Veteran’s Day Holiday {no school}

Help Needed:

I have an easy job for some parents who might have some extra time this week.  :)  I have a stack of consumable science workbooks that need to be put to use in room 121.  However, I think I might go crazy if the students have one more workbook to cram in their desk or under their desk.  So I need certain pages torn out.  Please let me know if you are interested {send me an email} and I can send home a small stack and a list of the pages to be torn out with your little one.  Thanks so much!

Items Wanted:

The next time you get ready to throw away your cereal boxes, please don’t!  I use them to make templates for the children to trace for some of their writing jobs.  Send them in to room 121 as they will be used right away!  Thanks!  :)

So now for some pictures I was able to snap this week of your smart, talented, and artistic children.  We wrote about our favorite weather and our not so favorite weather.  We wrote about “good wind” and “bad wind.”  We labeled a scarecrow and learned lots of sound words and of course our favorite was when the pumpkin at the end said, “BOO BOO.”  I am guessing that was a favorite because the children got to scream it out over and over!  What a fun and happy week we had together! 


Green Slime and Magical Colored Drinks…..Oh My!

Did your children come home super excited on Tuesday with a little green slimy treat in their bookbag? 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A New Nine Weeks!

On Friday, we ended the nine weeks with new seats on the carpet.  Everyone loves to be on the front row so my goal is to give everyone that opportunity!  :)

This week we will get new desks and clean out our supply boxes to make room for some fresh supplies {crayons, glue sticks and pencils}.  Also, your child will receive a new behavioral log and everyone will start with a 100.

In Reading, we will talk about the letter “w” as in “wind.”  We will brainstorm weather words and make an anchor chart together.  We will also spend some time learning about scarecrows and they will even get to show off their artistic skills by making one to put out in the hallway!  We will read The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything and learn sound words such as clap, stomp, nod, wriggle so be sure to ask your children about them.   If you don’t have the book, it is a must have.  There is so much expression in this book and good readers read with expression!

In Language, we will continue learning rule 4 {The names of specific places begin with capital letters.}  I hope you have noticed some of the places the children helped me come up with for our sentences each morning. 

In Math, we will continue learning subtraction strategies.  So far, we have learned how to count back and how to relate addition to subtraction. 

The students are continuing to take AR tests and doing a fabulous job.  Please remember to sign the AR log when you have read and read and read their library book with them backwards and forwards!  This lets me know you are ready for your child to take a test!  Children in first grade get recognized school wide when they receive 25 points and have a 90% average correct.  I have some that are so close!!!

Red Ribbon Week {Oct 22 – Oct 26} Celebrating being Drug Free

Monday ~ we will make a red chain with our signatures promising to stay drug free

Tuesday ~ students may wear crazy socks

Wednesday ~ students may wear their favorite hat

Thursday ~ students may wear sunglasses

Friday ~ students may wear their favorite team’s jersey

Other Upcoming Events and Reminders:

Nancy’s Italian Ice every Monday for $1.

Tuesday we will visit Mrs. Morris for our library lesson ~ don’t forget to bring your book!

Wednesday, Oct. 24 is the deadline for permission slips and money to be turned in for our exciting fieldtrip to the Pumpkin Patch on Friday, Nov. 2.  Also if you plan to attend as a chaperone, please also let me know ASAP so that I can make sure a paper has been filled out and submitted for a background check {a new MPS policy}.

Thursday report cards will go home.  You will receive two copies {one to keep and one to sign and return}.

Go ahead and mark your calendars and make plans for an Early Dismissal on Friday, Nov. 9.  All MPS schools will be releasing two hours early for professional development.  Blount will dismiss at 1:10 on this day. 

There will be no school on Monday, Nov. 12 in observance of Veteran’s Day!

On Tuesday, Nov. 13 Mrs. Martinez {a retired 2nd grade teacher from Blount} will be subbing for me beginning at 11:30.  I will be attending the Southern Baptist Conference with my church’s choir as we were chosen to lead the congregation in a few praise and worship songs!

The Thanksgiving holidays are only three days this year!  There will be school on Monday, Nov 19 and Tuesday, Nov 20.  Thanksgiving holidays will be Wednesday, Nov 21 through Friday, Nov. 23. 

Sorry for the overload!  Have a happy week!  Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall Festival is Finally Here!

The Fall Festival is finally here!  I hope to see all my friends and their family Thursday for some food, fun, and fellowship!  It begins at 4:30 and ends at 7:30.  There will be games, candy, music and good food.  If you did not buy an early bird wristband they will be available for purchase at the gate.  The PTA has worked very hard to make this happen so let’s show our support and don’t forget to wear your t-shirt! 

In Reading, we will be discussing the letter “t” as in “turkey” but will focus on spiders as it is getting close to Halloween.  We decided to save “turkey” for when it gets closer to Thanksgiving!  Make sure to practice those word wall words and read your homework stories each night!  A word wall word assessment will be given on Friday for a reading daily grade. 

In Language, we will be discussing Rule 4 {The names of specific places begin with capital letters.}  Remember to go over their DOL sentences each night and talk about the new rule.  As you are out and about this week, have your children notice the names of places and restaurants that begin with a capital letter.

In Math, we will test on Ch. 3 and move right into Ch. 4 on Tuesday.  Chapter 4 will focus on Subtraction Strategies.  You may have noticed a set of doubles flashcards in your child’s take home folder.  I challenged the students to memorize them and recall them to me for a small prize.  :)

Nancy’s Italian Ice is Monday for $1.00.  Library Day will be Tuesday so remind your child to pack his or her library book so they can return it for a new one.  If you have not already turned in your money and permission slip for our first fieldtrip to the Pumpkin Patch, please do so.  And remember to let me know if you plan to attend as a chaperone.  I will probably assign groups so that I can walk around and capture all the fun times and memories being made!  :)

Oct 18 ~ Fall Festival 4:30-7:30 and signed papers

Oct 19 ~ End of the first nine weeks

Oct 25 ~ Report Cards

Nov 5 ~ PTA Meeting 6:00

Have a happy week and please contact me with any questions or concerns!

We read, we shared, we learned…

We read Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.  We shared how we got our names.  We learned that before we speak to think and be smart because it’s hard to fix a wrinkled heart!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

First Nine Weeks is coming to an end…..already!

A BIG THANKS to Mrs. Tamela and Mrs. Shellye for dedicating a Thursday afternoon to take the kids to lunch so I could enjoy Teacher Treat Day that PTA {Mrs. Andi is in charge of this and does a fabulous job} so generously puts together!

Was your weekend as busy as mine?  I must confess that I love nothing more than to get up early on Saturday and hit the neighborhood yard sales for books, games for fun friday centers, and other “non sense items” that become my “treasures”  haha!  I even saw a few Blount kids with surprised looks and small whispers of “Mom, she teaches at Blount.” 

We will visit Mrs.  Morris on Tuesday for a fun library lesson.  Please make sure your child is bringing their library book with them every day, especially on Tuesday so they can check out a new book!  We are really taking off with AR so please continue reading with your child!  They love taking tests and I have wonderful volunteers daily that assist with this!

This week in Reading we will learn about “n” as in “nest.”  We will also have some fun activities to go along with Columbus Day! 

Be sure to go back and review all the Word Wall Words from the first week of school.  I will take a reading daily grade on word wall words this Friday, October 12.

In Language, we will continue reviewing Rule 3 {The names of people and pets begin with a capital letter.}  A language daily grade is taken every Friday on their sentences that come home in their binder.  Make sure you are talking about the rule and reviewing each sentence! 

In Math, we are finishing up Ch. 3.  I have skipped some sections that I felt were not teachable the way the book presented them so you may have noticed in your child’s Math Practice HW page that I had them write “skip” on the sections we skipped.  They will not be assessed on these so no worries!  We are excited about learning our DOUBLES and I have even challenged the students with flashcards that will come home Monday to work on memorizing them for a small prize!  :)

Fall Pictures are scheduled for Thursday, October 11 and the children will be allowed to dress out of uniform {but must remember to abide by the Dress Code ~ no spaghetti strap shirts or dresses and no flip flops, sandals or crocs please!}

Upcoming Events and Reminders:

10-8 ~ Nancy’s Italian Ice for $1.00

10-11 ~ Fall Pictures, Early bird wristband sale ends for Fall Festival, and Spirit Night at Flip’s

10-12 ~ Word Wall Assessment

10-18 ~ Blount Fall Festival {4:30-7:30}  Volunteers are needed!  Please fill out the form that was sent home in your child’s take home folder and return it to their teacher or the office!


Here is one thing your first grader is up to in Room 121!  Good writers draw appropriately with detail and use real-life colors.  They sometimes label what they draw! 

Have a Happy Week and please contact me with any questions or concerns you might have!

Kristin :)

P.S. Working on the slide show to present our Chrysanthemum project!  Pictures to come soon!!!