Saturday, November 24, 2012

December is almost here….woohoo!!!

I hope everyone had plenty of time with family and friends. 

In Reading, we will focus on the letter “r” as in rabbit and “ea” as in eagle.

In Language, we will continue learning rule 6 ~ Some words name things. {nouns}  A noun names a person, place, thing, or animal.  The children will be identifying the nouns in their DOL sentences each morning by circling them.

In Math, we will take Ch. 5 test on Monday.  The review sheet was sent home before the holidays so we will do a quick review in class and I will thoroughly go over each problem  with the students during the test.  {Some of the problems we will do together.}

We will begin Ch. 6 on Tuesday {Number and Operations in Base Ten}  By the end of the chapter, students should develop an understanding of whole number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones.

Other News…

11/26 ~ Nancy’s Italian Ice $1.00

11/27 ~ Library with Mrs. Morris

11/29 ~ Humane Society Speaker and Spirit Night @ Salsaritas

11/30 ~ Box Tops are due!

12/6 ~ Signed Papers and Teacher Treat Day

Have a great week and please contact me with any questions or concerns ~ Kristin :)

Congratulations Cooper on making the 25 point club!


Pumpkin Patch Fun!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Veteran’s Day!

I hope everyone enjoyed the early dismissal on Friday and the “no school” holiday on today!  We slept in and stayed in our pajamas most of the day!

Students may purchase Nancy’s Italian Ice on tomorrow since Monday was a holiday.  As a reminder, I will be taking a half day tomorrow.  Mrs. Martinez, {a former Blount second grade teacher} will be in room 121!  :)

In Reading, we will focus on the letter “c” as in “cat.”  Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner we will also spend this week and next talking about the Mayflower, Pilgrims and Native Americans.  But most importantly we will give thanks!

In Language, we will begin learning rule 6 {Some words name things. ~ nouns}  The children will start identifying nouns in their DOL sentences by drawing a line under them with a blue crayon.  A noun names a person, place, thing, or animal. 

In Math, we are still working our way through Ch 5, Related Facts {fact families}.  If all goes well the test will be Friday so be on the look out for a review sheet to come home Thursday. 

Progress Reports will come home on Thursday.  Please remember this means we are halfway through the nine weeks.  If you are concerned about a grade, please know your child will have almost four weeks to work on bringing it up.  :)

On Thursday, the lunchroom will be serving a yummy Thanksgiving meal ~ turkey and dressing so if you haven’t had the opportunity to eat with your child or just need an excuse to eat with your child we would love for you to join us!  Our lunch time is from 11:10-11:25.

Congratulations to Josh for making the 25 point club! 

Have a great week and please contact me with questions or concerns!

Kristin :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Already!

Can you believe that November is already here? I love this month and have so much to be thankful for at Blount Elementary.  A big thanks to everyone who was able to attend the fieldtrip on Friday.  The weather was perfect, the children’s behavior was perfect and it was a great way to start November.  Please check back later in the week to see our Pumpkin Patch pictures.  :)  I got some good ones!

I am thankful for all the precious children and their families in room 121.  On Thursday afternoon I was presented with a gift card to Chappy’s from PTA for having the most children attend the Spirit Night at Chappy’s on Monday!  And let me just say that the Thomas family started out their weekend celebrating a much loved dinner at Chappy’s!

Don’t forget that Tuesday, November 6th is the ONLY day for first graders to purchase the grade level t-shirt.  The students may wear these every Tuesday and we will also ask our students to wear these on future field trips! 

Remember that Friday is an early dismissal day.  Blount will be releasing students at 1:10 so please make sure you have made arrangements for your child.  Enjoy an early start to a long weekend because there will be no school on Monday in observance of Veteran’s Day!

The PTA meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 6th has been cancelled!

In Reading we will focus on the letter “h” as in “hippo.”  We will focus on mammals and their habitats.  I hope by the end of the week your children can recall that mammals are animals that have a backbone, can breathe air, can give birth to live babies, and have hair or fur.  Ask him to name some of the mammals we talked about this week and what habitat they live in.

In Language, we will continue learning rule 5 {A sentence that asks something needs a question mark at the end.}  Last week, every sentence we wrote ended with a question mark.  This week, their DOL sentences will contain asking and telling sentences and the children will be expected to sort them appropriately.  Please go over these each night as it will be taken for a language grade on Friday!

In Math, we will continue with Ch. 5, Related Facts using the Fact Family.  A fact family is made up of 3 numbers that make two addition sentences and two subtraction sentences. 

Ex.  2, 3, and 5   {2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-3=2, 5-2=3}

The Kindergarten and First Grade Community Service Project is up and running.  We will be collecting items for the Montgomery Humane Society through Friday, November 16th.  A letter will be sent home listing needed items that can be donated in a big yellow box located in the front lobby. 

Upcoming Events and Reminders

10/5 ~ Nancy’s Italian Ice $1.00

10/6 ~ Library Visit with Mrs. Moore

10/15 ~ Signed Papers/Progress Reports

10/21-10/23 ~ Thanksgiving Holidays

Have a happy week and please contact me with any questions or concerns!

Kristin :)